
Thursday 17 January 2019

Civil War Essay

The bring round Ku Klux Klan was merely the closely obvious and sinister symptom of general and widespread discrimi farming. The new Ku Klux Klan opposed many more groups than the blacks opposed by the offset Ku Klux Klan. The first Ku Klux Klan group only discriminated against blacks and they werent know as the some discriminating group unlike the revived Ku Klux Klan. The revived group of the Ku Klux Klan not only discriminated African Americans, but Immigrants, Catholics, and Jews as well.Even though the revivification of the KKK was short-lived, they caused a lot of damage. The Klan put their beliefs into the practice of terrorizing those wad they disliked. The KKK group operated passim the S come forthh during the Reconstruction era. The Ku Klux Klans long history of violence grew out of the resentment and hatred many white southerners felt in the consequence of the Civil War. Blacks, having won the struggle for freedom from sla very, were now faced with a new struggle against widespread racism and the terrorism of the Klan.The Ku Klux Klan terrorized African Americans by putting fear into their lives. The Ku Klux Klan enjoyed terrorizing their homes, beatings, whippings, as well as lynching staminate members of the family and making the surviving members get them down. Many poor farmers and laborers thought that their stipend would increase if they drove the Black large number out of their state. Black people were a lot cheaper to employ as they were forced to work for sink wages than white people due to their skin color.They used to edge through the streets where black people lived carrying blazing torches and crosses. The massive immigration of Catholics and Jews from east and southern Europe led to fears among protestants approximately the new people, and especially about job and social competition. Since the immigrants were competition to the members of the Ku Klux Klan they also terrorized them to scare them away. The message was very clear, the new Klan was going to mean business and that meant expanding its list of enemies.Tatiana Ortega Period4 President Lyndon Johnson Lyndon B Johnson, our 36th prexy is well known as the Great Man to Society. Johnson was very considerate when it came to the fellow American people as well as the African Americans. President Lyndon Johnson was a great inspiration to the African Americans. During the 1960s when he took office, President Johnson was the most significant figure in securing civil rights for African Americans. President Johnson do a he impression in office his first brace of years.He obtained passage of one of the most extensive programs in the nations history The Great Society program became Johnsons agendum for Congress. His mission was to aid education, attack on diseases, Medicare, and removal of obstacles to the right to vote. patch Johnson was in office the country made spectacular explorations of space in a program. Lyndon signed the Civil Rights Act of 1960 as well as the Voters Act. When he left office peace talks were underway, he did not live to see them become successful, but unfortunately died.President Johnson was The president who helped end hatred among his fellow men and who promoted love among all the of people of all races. President Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which was the most all-around(prenominal) civil rights legislation since Reconstruction. President Johnsons Great Society reforms go by to lasting changes in the society. Even though the Vietnam War sunk Johnsons presidency, it didnt effect him in the outrun. Till this day he is known as the greatest president of all time.

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