
Thursday 31 October 2019

My Learning Experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

My Learning Experience - Essay Example Much attention is paid to the fact, that the enterprises which implement corporate social support achieve bigger dividends than those who are not attentive to this side of the public activity. Due to these facts, corporate social responsibility achieved much popularity for the last years and is widely practiced by both the authorities and workers. The next point of my analysis is the division of the article into several parts. My article contains the description of three main parts: the process of implementation of corporate social responsibility, the examples of companies which support this process, the participation of public authorities in it. After the division of the article into three main parts, I do the thorough analysis of each of them. The process of implementation of corporate social responsibility depends on the level of activity and imagination of the enterprise. The actions of the members of the team and working staff constitute fifty percent of the success. Thus, the main task of corporate social responsibility is to provide the comfortable working and living conditions for those who are involved in the functioning of the enterprise and their investments in the outdoor problems. Volunteering is one of the best ways to help others and raise the prestige of the company. For this reason, a lot of employees think over such strategies as education and knowledge (assistance to local school children with literacy), investments into the projects of environmental protection, providing child obesity charity, employment packages, free language workshops, and so forth. The ethical attendance of the members of the enterprises into these projects provides them high popularity among the customers and good relations with the m. Further on, I concentrate my attention on the second point of my plan - the examples of companies, which support corporate social responsibility.

Tuesday 29 October 2019

The Strategic Importance of the Battle of Fort Donelson Research Paper

The Strategic Importance of the Battle of Fort Donelson - Research Paper Example John Thayer became the leader of the Nebraska regiment. The regiment spent time in Missouri with General John Fremont in preparation for the war. The regiment marched directly through St. Louis where it was reported that several people thronged by the road to witness their hero. In December, the troops were under a constabulary duty to defend their state. The State had experienced some defeats earlier in August and this had caused many fears to the State. To defend them, the State waged a tactical guerilla war and bushwalking to counter their enemies. Major General Sterling Price had managed to confide all the southern in Missouri State with the aid of union forces (Cooling 2003). This force joined another union under the control of Major Brig and Gen. John Pope who struggled to restore peace and order in the northern part. As a trial, the Nebraska participated in a skirmish at Shawnee mound on the Black River. The union managed to capture other hundreds of confederates and the warmo ngers were appreciated for their efforts. By this time, the troupe now was ready for the campaign in 1862. In January 1862, Gen. Ulysses Grant commanded a garrison at Kentucky and convinced the commander of Missouri Gen. Henry Halleck that they were to break the western defense force in order to conquer that State. In this regard, first Donelson, which was near River Tennessee were the weakest and most attractive link between Mississippi and Cumberland Gap. Grant won the support from Andrew Foote and the two launched a strong army, which were determined to win this confederate and bring it under their control. Grant had fears that his troop had few men and thus he had to strengthen his army before he made any move (Palagruto 2010). He used two methods to reinforce his troops as he first stripped his department and eliminated any regiment that could arise as opponent to his mission and secondly, Hallenick made orders that could forward the zealous and untested the Nebraska in order t o test the strength of Nebraska. The Nebraskans boarded a train to St. Louis while the regiment group opted for a steamer train to transport them to join Grant’s troop. Several groups started to arrive at fort Henry and Grant immediately ordered these boats to move further to Cumberland where they could carry out their operations. This was meant to reinforce grant’s operations in fort Donelson. The heavy February rains in the area dismantled transportation along the rivers and at the same time Grant’s troop were facing opposition from stubborn defenders at fort Donelson. The port was not easily conquered as it had several creeks, heavy woods, ravines, and the current floods. The Tennessean fighters were out to defend their land and they managed to guard their guard (Palagruto, 2010). The confederates understood that Tennessee, Mississippi, and Cumberland River were the vital targets by the rebel forces. Thus, they could not allow them to access this area for it linked the North and the South. In addition, the rivers were a major means of transport between the two states that is the South and the North. The Southerners struggled all their best to defend these rivers as the North could easily attack them. The confederate prepared well by constructing Fort Henry along River Tennessee and fort Donelson along river Cumberland to act as protection against their enemies. The two ports

Sunday 27 October 2019

Literature review on Critical and Reflective learning

Literature review on Critical and Reflective learning The following literature review will focus on the concept of critical and reflective learning. Critical and reflective learning is used the world over in various academic institutions and in professional practice. Firstly it would be imperative that critical reflection is defined. Following on from this a discussion shall take place around the various frameworks and theories offered by various theorists on the subject. Finally a critical review of the underlying thinking which underlies much of the policy making process in Ireland will be undertaking. There are various definitions used to explain the process of critical reflection. At a very basic level, critical reflection (CR) occurs when and individual questions either their own ideas or the ideas of another. However as Van Woerkom (2010) suggests there are many different schools of thought on what is involved in the critical reflection process. For example the ideological form of critical reflection would focus on challenging and questioning dominant or unjust ideologies. The psychoanalytical school of CR is focused more on the individual and involves the reframing of personal issues or problems. The analytical model of CR is the process of mentally analysing arguments in the hope of guiding ones beliefs or actions. Finally the pragmatist constructivism school of CR relates to the evaluation of various forms of information in an attempt to provide a solution, while at the same time recognising that the solution itself is open to further questioning (Van Woerkom, 2010). What se ems obvious from these definitions is the fact that the questioning and reflection of a perceived reality at both a societal and personal level are fundamental in each process. Furthermore it seems apparent that the issues that each school is addressing can all impact upon one another. For instance it could be argued that the psychological wellbeing of an individual could be greatly influenced by the dominant ideology within a society. Addressing only the psychological issues with the psychoanalytical approach may prove fruitless, if societal influences causing psychological distress are not addressed. Various theorists have dissected the critical reflection process on a much deeper level. Dewey in ((1933, in Boud et al,1994)suggests that reflection is the process of an individual recapturing their experience, thinking about it and assessing it. He believed that reflection was initiated by an inner uneasiness caused by an individual becoming disillusioned with their current reality. Reflection may also be instigated by a positive experience. The individual may wish to learn what worked in the positive experience, in order to repeat the behaviour that brought about the positive experience. Deweys main focus was centred on the notion that reflection is a highly rational exercise which is based in an evidence based approach which focused on skills and attitudes. However as various authors suggest Deweys focus on skills and attitudes is limited and fails to allow for the affective (emotional) element involved in the learning process ( Boud et al, 1994, Rawson, 2000). Another limiting aspect of Deweys theory was the presumption that one would first have to make a mistake in order to learn from it. Kolb Fry (1975) believed that for effective learning to occur the learner would have to complete a cycle of learning, broken down into four stages: Concrete experience, observation and reflection, forming abstract concepts, testing them in new situations. In essence, an individual begins the learning process by becoming involved in a new experience, which they then reflect upon internally in order to make sense of the experience. The individual then hypothesises about different theories and then applies such theories in new situations. It should be noted that an individual may start in any stage and switch between these stages. And many learners may only use two of the stages, depending upon their learning style (Kolb Fry 1975 ). Donald Schon (1995) has built upon Deweys concept by introducing the idea of double looped learning. He suggested that the majority of learning in everyday life occurred at a level where individuals used previous held values and assumptions to inform their present action (single looped learning). However Double Looped learning involves a deeper level of reflection where individuals question these values and assumptions and subject them to critical investigation. . Agryis (1999) uses an analogy of how a thermostat responds to room temperature by turning on the heat if the room gets to cold and turning it off when it gets to warm. The thermostat responds by receiving signals from the room temperature. He contended that this equated to a human being receiving positive or negative signals about their actions and then changing their actions (Single loop learning). Going back to the thermostat analogy, double looped learning would ask the question, why the room got too hot or cold in the f irst place. The same goes for human beings when they question the underlying assumptions which informed their actions in the first place. Such learning is not limited to the individual and such learning could be applied to organisations and society (Agryis, 1999), However as Rawson (2000) suggests, many institutions seem to treat intellect as absolute and dont allow for the questioning necessary in the critical reflection process. He goes on to suggest that society works on a basis of having power over, rather than power with. He believed that such an approach was evident in many educational institutions. He advocates the notion of learning to learn where the relevance of various aspects of knowledge continued to be questioned and challenged. Rawson argues that knowledge is not a final product and contends that the meaning and understanding process is more important than the end product. His analysis is closely linked with the teachings of Paulo Friere. Frieres (1998) CR theory was rooted firmly in the ideological school of thought. He believed the educational system served to reproduce the status quo which was influenced by the dominant ideological discourse. He was of the opinion that educators should challenge the status quo through challenging students to question the dominant discourse, which he believed served to reproduce inequalities. He stressed the importance of dialogue within the education system, as he believed without dialogue; true education could not take place. Hooks (1994) captures the notion of education without dialogue when she speaks of her experience as an undergraduate and graduate student. She suggests that the majority of lecturers used the classroom as an avenue to exert their view of the world upon students. Friere (1998) did not advocate a non directive approach to education, however he did stress it should be the process and not the student that should be directed. Friere (1998) recognised that each stu dent had their own unique life experience and contended that the students experience was invaluable in the learning experience. Very basically Friere (1998) was of the opinion that education was more about enabling students to question and challenge the commonly held knowledge within society. Meizrow (1994) also spoke about reflection in terms of transformation. Mezirow (1994) described reflective learning as a process in which the learner has to consider or reconsider certain assumptions they may hold about themselves or the world. He argued that the most effective reflection occurred when the learner discovers their assumptions to be in some way weakened. It causes the learner to look at reasons why their assumptions have caused them to reach decisions or to react in a certain way and to maybe re-evaluate their assumptions. He explained that when the learner accepts that their past assumptions may have been incorrect they have created a transformative space and within that space they can be open to engaging in new-found knowledge. This, he believes, can lead to a deeper level of reflective practice. As mentioned earlier emotions can play an important part in such a process Boud et al (1994) suggest that past experiences can greatly determine an individuals ability to learn in new situations. If learning was only centred in the transfer of knowledge from one individual to another, learning would be a smooth occurrence and each individual would take in knowledge with minimal difficulty. However emotions such as anxiety can cause difficulties for those who are participating in new learning experiences. The majority of individuals will experience anxieties when faced with new learning. However for some the anxiety can be overwhelming and deeply affect the learning process. So how individuals learn is greatly influenced by emotion (Boud et al, 1994). In conclusion it can be seen that there are many areas of both personal and societal life which could benefit from the process of critical reflection. The whole notion of learning to learn seems to be an approach which encourages independent and self-directed learning. While there are many schools of thought on the process of CR, they all seem be directed at questioning the underlying assumptions and discourses which inform both individual and societal actions. It seems obvious from the various readings that critical reflection is often frowned upon as something which upsets the status quo of organisations. Reflection The subject that I have chosen to reflect on is how the Irish society continues to apply past solutions to present problems. If we look to the recent recession it is clear that the Irish government continue to take the approach of promoting competition and neo liberal policies as a solution to the current economic conditions. As Coulter Coleman (2003) argue the dominant discourse in Irish society suggests that  the economy is the mechanism which will bring about the greatest good for everyone concerned.  Ã‚   They contend that such a discourse is constructed by everyone within society.   Some discourses are so dominant that they almost seem to be natural and many fail to question them.   If we look to the Celtic Tiger in Ireland, there were various commentators suggesting that the country was in danger of a serious financial and economic crisis. Back in 2007 Bertie Ahern famously made the remark, that those who were moaning and cribbing about how the economy was being run sh ould commit suicide (Stafford, 2010).   The moaners and cribbers he was referring too were economists who were warning about the economy not being stable and the future crash of the economy.   Even though these economists were correct in their predictions the majority of Irish society sided with Bertie Ahern. As Friere (1998) suggests, the need to question dominant knowledge is a must, however in the Irish case when the dominant knowledge was questioned the individuals were ridiculed.  Ã‚   This fundamental aspect of Irish society needs to change.   Even in the current recession the government continues to suggest that the only way recover from the economic downturn is to remain competitive in the global world.  The dominant thinking involved here is just returning to the dominant thinking of the past which suggests the economy is going to correct all the ills of the country.   Even the EU/IMF bailout underwent very little critical analysis. The same commentators who were warning of the economic crisis during the Celtic Tiger collapse were all suggesting that there were alternatives which could have being taking. However just like the Celtic Tiger era, the government chose to follow a path without considering the long-term consequences. As Storey (2010) argues IMF bailouts in other countries have had disastrous consequences for those countries. By nature these bailouts seem to be extremely undemocratic. For example the IMF (an unelected external body) has a major influence on the development and implementation of national po licy. There was no referendum on this bailout and the general Irish public had very little say on whether or not the bailout was applied for. The presence of undemocratic rule seemed to be evident in Ireland a number of years before the IMF arrived in town. For instance the first referendum on the Lisbon Treaty was rejected by the Irish people, however the Irish government held a second referendum asking the question in a different way. Compared to other countries there was very little protest in relation to the bailout or austerity measures which were been implemented. Even when it was apparent that the government were lying for a number of days in relation to applying for a bailout, there was very little public outcry. While pole ratings suggested that the government were dropping in popularity, the level of protest was minimal. The question has to be asked, why the Irish public are so passive in relation to situations which will have serious consequences for their lives. One expl anation could be the lack of social solidarity. For instance Bauman (2000) argues that in modern society individuals are now defying their identity through the consumption of various goods and products. He argues that this creates a lack of social solidarity and creates a more individualistic society. It could be argued that the Celtic Tiger has created a society of consumers who are only concerned about their own needs. The Celtic Tiger period in Ireland is often seen as a period where individuals and groups were living extravagant and affluent lifestyles. It seems as though individuals in society are now more worried about their own needs and have very little concern for others. This may change once the true impact of the austerity measures hits home for various groups and individuals. It seems very evident from the recent budget that the most vulnerable in society are going to pay the highest price for the mistakes of the elite. It seems apparent that it is the underlying thinking and ideology in Irish society which needs to undergo a critical reflection. Both those in power and society as a whole need to consider what kind of society they want for both themselves and future generations. If the lack of protest in Ireland is anything to go by it seems as though individuals in Irish society have become self-interested and have very little concern for the more vulnerable in society. It may be worth introducing the process of critical reflection at an earlier age in schools in an attempt to create independent thinkers who are capable of challenging dominant discourse at both organisational and political level. However from my own experience of various social care settings and the education system such an ideal does not seem high on the agenda. It may suit those at the top to have a society which follows and does not question. Or it may be, that those at the top do not question their own motives. Either way, if I reland wishes to learn from the mistakes of the past, some form of questioning needs to occur at a societal, governmental and individual level. The recent recession provides a space for such questioning. Whether such questioning materialises at the level suggested in this reflection remains to be seen.

Friday 25 October 2019

Contents of the dead mans pocket :: essays research papers

In the story, â€Å"Contents of the Dead Man’s Pocket,† the main character is Tom Benecke. As the story progresses, he is faced with many decisions. He is forced to act quickly and because of this, many things about him change. In the story, Tom is ambitious, self-centered, and impatient. These three traits change significantly throughout the story.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Tom is a very ambitious person when it comes to his work. He is caught up in getting a promotion from work by doing a project. Tom just focuses on the â€Å"big picture,† which is his future, rather than the â€Å"small picture,† which is what his wife is doing. This trait changes at the end when he decides to go to the movies with his wife. When the paper flew out the window for the second time, he realized that he can do the paper over again but he can never take back that one specific night he could have spent with his wife.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  At the beginning, Tom is very self-centered and preoccupied with his work. He finds what he wants to do more important than what his wife wants to do that night. Once faced with the reality of death, he realizes how important his wife is to him. This forces him to be strong and stay alive, for her sake. The only reason he made it back into his house was because of how much he cared for her. Tom then decides to go find her at the movies, which shows that he has become less self-centered and more aware of his wife’s feelings.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Tom knows that his project can wait, but he has to have it done so his boss can read it over the weekend. The fact that his work couldn’t wait until he got back from the movies shows what an impatient person he is. When Tom is out on the ledge retrieving his paper, he is forced to be very patient and to take things one step at a time.

Thursday 24 October 2019

Life Lesson Essay

Up until that day, I swear I thought I was invincible. I guess this is the same with all twelve year old girls who think they know all that there is to know about life. I was never one to be a follower but I must admit my friends were a major influence in my early life. As a matter of fact this day was not only the day I realized how wrong and little I knew about life but it also became the reason I changed my life and circle of friends around. It all started when I got sent to a different school than my friends my freshman year; first day of school I was feeling as cool as the other side of the pillow when reality gently slapped me in the face and I realized; I was no longer Rosa but instead â€Å"the freshman†, the girl no one else other than other freshman cared to get to know, the girl who went unnoticed all day. All of a sudden it wasn’t so refreshing and exciting to see so many new faces, different races and ages all gathered in the same place. The urge to get up and walk away from that place came over me and all I wanted more than anything in the world was to see a familiar face. I decided I wasn’t going to let it get to me so I became friends with Melissa; she was the coolest girl I had ever met in my life. Her personality was as contagious as a cold and as destructive as a tornado. For months, we hung out and even though I knew she was trouble, I just could not get passed how liberal and expressive she always was. She dressed how she wanted and came about as she pleased. Together we thought we ruled the world. One day, Melissa approached me and said â€Å"hey lets go for a ride†. I said â€Å"of course†. Not caring where we were going, I got in her car and we drove off. She drove up into a dark neighborhood, at this point my heart sta6rts pounding harder than ever before. I ask her, â€Å"What are we doing here?† She said â€Å"oph we are just getting some weed.† Thinking this was cool, I played along as If this was a normal thing for me. As she is making her â€Å"transaction†, the man who she is buying it from pulled out a gun and pointed it at us. He said, â€Å"Give me whatever else you have of money in your purse or I am going to shoot both of you†. This was the moment it all became real, I could not believe we were going through that, I felt so powerless. Thankfully she acted on reaction and drove off so quickly, I bet the tire marks are still marked on the pavement of that street. That day I realized how much of nothing we both knew and parted our ways.

Wednesday 23 October 2019

Online Environment Essay

Normally, customers would have to call an associate from D & D and find out when the next trade show, showcase, or large event D & D will be featured in attendance so customers can make their way to the venue just to see the merchandise. One main focus that would have to be kept is the same local, hometown business feel. Although D & D would be looking to expand out of the greater Indianapolis area, the focus that needs to be kept is the community. An online market would be extremely beneficial to the community and the business because the times are changing and more and more customers each day are transitioning to the online marketplace by shopping in the comfort of their own home. D & D is a community based business who believes in taking care of all our customer’s needs whether it is live an in person, or 2:00 AM on a Sunday night. We can only offer this kind of service with an online presence. D & D wants to be the company a customer can count on anytime. Being part of an online environment will be a large part in making that a reality. As a business, we must ask ourselves is this a venture that will be successful for us? Given the type of market that our company is tapping into, we have the ability to be very successful. The quality of products that we offer along with our competitive prices will give us the competitive advantage over other similar small companies as even over some larger companies as well. Establishing D & D in an online environment against competition in the same type of business will force us to be aware of all that is going on with our competition. This way, we will able to compete with the larger companies like a JCPenny or Sears and the smaller businesses like D & D that have been in the online environment for a long time. We will strive to keep the quality of our products high and be able to keep our prices low. The success of our business will lie on our quality, and providing the best quality products will help us in generating income and building a larger customer base. Current Online Competitor Assessment Being that D & D is a very small local business; large competitors (Nordstrom. com, Macys. com, Sears. com, etc. ) offer more of a broad selection of merchandise while D & D specializes in one specific area of sales at extremely competitive prices and unique craftsmanship quality. Most of these larger companies will hold sales that provide their merchandise at discounted prices in-store and online but customers will not always catch the â€Å"Great Deal† or clearance sale. D & D wants to provide quality products that customers feel are always on sale. One competitive advantage that D &D will have over these companies is the originality of products. A large portion of the merchandise sold is hand-made, developed from original designs and ideas. Larger companies will most likely buy their products in bulk from over-seas distributors that will mimic merchandise of their competitors while D & D will offer quality products made right here in the United States. D & D will be able to back all the hand-made merchandise with a ‘Made in The USA’ tag which is something that most of the larger competitors will not be able to do. There are some name brand designers that are sold through D & D; however, prices for that particular merchandise will still be competitive. We understand that there are customers with a demand for name brand designers no matter what the item may be and we want to be the provider for that segment of customers as well. Larger companies in the retail industry will often sell merchandise seasonally in regards to the specific time of year or holiday. A huge advantage that D & D will have will be the ability to purchase seasonal merchandise year round. For example, if a customer wanted to purchase a Christmas themed hat in July or another customer wanted to purchase a Valentine’s Day gift basket in October, these options would be available to them. A larger company will most likely not offer that option on their site and especially not in their store. D & D’s goal is to be able to take care of each and every customer’s needs (and wants) to create customers for life. We know that we are not the only company in this market and we need to be aware of the disadvantages we face while competing against larger companies. One large disadvantage that we will face is the distribution of our products. D & D does not have a warehouse where stock is kept in comparison to a Sears or Macy’s. Therefore, in order for us to be successful, we must be able to maintain our stock and make sure that we keep enough on hand at all times. Another disadvantage that we face is the production of our hand-made items. Although our items do not take extremely long to make, we can run into the problem of not having a specific item when it is needed. This could be a major issue in the success of that particular product, but one advantage that we do have is that everyone on the sales team is able to help us create products if we happen to be short on certain items. This gives us a slight advantage over competitors large and small because there is no need for a middle man in our product line. All handmade products are able to be created and ready for sale immediately. We will still be in a similar situation with our competitors when it comes to all of the name brand clothing as far as shipping, ordering, receiving, etc. but being able to have our custom products manufactured and ready to sell within a fraction of time it would take for shipping procedures will keep us ahead and generating income. Online Marketing Suggestions & Strategies The strategy for D & D will be one with attainable goals. The first objective of our strategy is to know where we are going and what we want to achieve. Our first goal will be to set the amount of customers that we want to reach through our online presence. As long as we have an idea of how many customers we wish to gain through this method, we will stay focused and stay on the correct path to achieve our goal. The next step in our strategy is to dissect the final goal numbers and turn the results into action plans that we can use to repeat success. For instance, if D & D sets the target number in a time period for customers gained through our online presence, because the goal was dissected prior and broken down; D & D knows exactly what must be done to achieve that goal. The last step that D & D will implement in the strategy is to make sure all success is reviewed and evaluated thoroughly. All information that we received must be evaluated so we are making sure we are getting the results that we expected and wanted. One of the major tasks that we plan to accomplish with D & D’s online marketing efforts is to attain customers of a younger age group. Typically the D & D customer base age ranges from 30 – 60 for women and 29 – 50 for men. With the addition of new products and the expansion to an online environment, the goal could be easily reached. Another marketing strategy that D & D will use is advertising the current events and trade shows we will be featured in. By advertising and marketing D & D online as well as the different venues, customers will be informed of different things to do around the city in addition to taking some time to shop. Marketing ourselves this way will not only help our business, but it will also help our community which is helping us keep our main two focuses; Service our community and sell quality products to our customers. Search Engine Considerations & Optimization Strategies Taking into consideration that there has been a lot of cross-border selling, there is a growth that is happening with search marketers. This growth causes websites to be optimized for visitors from different regions and cultural backgrounds. There are constant attempts to develop techniques that attract visitors through search engines and search ads. One technique that D & D will be able to do is use country specific domain names, and possibly change spelling variations (i. e. color v. colour). D & D will also use keywords in other languages, which will target search engines such as Google AdWords and give us more search result hits. Expanding our name in search engines will be an excellent way to open the door to us being found by more people who are searching for similar items. Encouraging our customers to post regular reviews of our business on a variety of local search sites will not only let potential customers know we do a good job, but it will increase the number of search hits we receive. The more reviews we receive, the reviews will appear high within search results. The approach also will make it more likely for the next potential customer searching for a store like D & D to possibly contact our business based on the information they are receiving in the search results. A strategy such as this will improve the amount of search hits simply by choosing the words we want to be associated with our business and as long as we are doing a great job for our customers, a large portion of those words will be positive. Social Media Integration D & D is a small business that could benefit very well from using social media. The majority of D & D’s name being spread around the community is by word of mouth; however being well known in a small community can only take you so far. Integrating a social media site like Facebook would be a wonderful opportunity to promote the business and inform potential customers about the site as well as allowing current customers to refer a friend to the page and even comment. Integrating Facebook with the site will allow customers in a matter of seconds to â€Å"like† the D & D Facebook page and there will also be a link to click to directly go to the D & D web site. The potential comments left on the page could end up helping D & D by possibly providing suggestions that D & D could use to improve the overall customer experience. Along with Facebook, Twitter can also be utilized in the social media are by â€Å"tweeting† pictures of merchandise as well as updating customers with current information regarding products and shows. For customers who are always on the go, D & D will also reach customers by the use of Instagram. By using Instagram, customers who are following D & D will be able to see recently received merchandise that will be uploaded onto the mobile page by the D & D staff. With use of these sites, D & D will able to keep the current customer base updated with information about the products as well as allowing potential customers to gain a little bit of knowledge about D & D’s products and services by utilizing the online environment that is used in day-to-day life. Using these sites will also provide another medium of communication from customers so we can listen to their suggestions, wants, and needs. By listening to customers, we are able to receive first-hand feedback and a better understanding of how we can improve our service. In addition to using social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, D & D will also incorporate a small blogging section on the company website. This will give customers additional medium to converse and blog about their experiences with our company. Online Customer Relationship Management When a customer makes the decision to do business with any company, the customer expects that they will receive a very high standard of customer service. As a company, D & D will also hold a very high standard in providing customer service. A key component of customer service in any business is building a relationship with the customer. Communication between the customer and seller will have to be maintained in order to build that relationship. The best way to keep this channel of communication open with the customers would be through the exchange of email for any situation, problem, or question that may arise. Email would allow our customers to ask questions regarding our products, address a problem, or even inquire about making an order. Specific email templates, for whether there is a problem or a general question, will be made for any possible topic a customer may have and this will be integrated in the site. If there is any issue, a customer will be able to be as specific as they need to in asking their question. To be as efficient as we can with offering the email option to our customers, we will offer with all emails a ‘Within 24 hr. Guarantee Response Time. ’ Putting a guarantee on a service such as this will ensure to the customer that they will receive the most efficient and effective service available. We understand that all questions and issues may not be answered through email, so all escalated issues will be followed up with a phone call from a sales associate to help solve any issue that cannot be resolved in a timely manner. Within the website there will also be a FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) page provided to possibly help with several general questions. Our FAQs page will be updated accordingly if we seem to receive a large volume of questions for a topic that is not currently on our FAQs page. Updating this page will be very valuable to our customers’ time and it will show that we are very thorough in our process. E-Commerce Solutions E-Commerce for D & D will be an extremely user-friendly process. Our plan is to utilize all E-commerce transactions through the Volusion software program. This program is very efficient and very effective on both sides of the E-commerce transaction from seller to customer. Volusion will provide multiple payment options to potential customers such as credit or debit card, using a checking account, E-check, and even PayPal. By giving our customers multiple ways to pay, we give ourselves more opportunity to make a sale. A â€Å"checkout† and â€Å"my cart† feature will also be integrated within the site so at any time customers can quickly add an item to their cart and check out or add a few items and then edit the cart if they are not satisfied with their selection or have selected too many of one item. A link to the â€Å"my cart† section will be available on every page so a customer will be able to easily navigate there. Volusion also offers customizable tax and shipping options which will be presented for each product depending on size and time frame for customers’ desired delivery time. Customers will also be given automatic email confirmations after all purchases to give reviews of purchases. The automatic email confirmations will also be followed up by a separate email that contains an additional e-receipt and shipping information. Customers also have the option to enroll in the D & D newsletter that will be created to update customers with information regarding current and future events as well as updates for newly created merchandise. This option will be available upon checkout so customers will be able to click yes or no. Security will be a major concern with E-commerce in any company you are associating with. The Volusion software offers state-of-the art E-commerce security which is PCI/CISP (Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council /Cardholder Information Security Program) certified. Other security features include the â€Å"CAPTCHA† type image validation for all forms of submissions to prevent unauthorized use, as well as an integrated IP blocking security feature, and SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) Encryption for encrypting customer information for additional security. International Considerations International business for D & D would be an excellent addition to the business. What better way would there be to grow the business than to expand globally? The retail market for fashion and apparel is a market that is not just popular in just one geographic location. Fashion retail is an area where with the right merchandise and approach, a company like D & D could go from servicing local customers to multi-national in a matter of months. Social media will play a large role in the international expansion of D & D just as it will locally. All considerations must be viewed before the international ventures can take flight. One major concern would be how the currency from other countries would be handled. Our payment system will be an incredible asset to how our transactions are completed. Exchange rates are automatically calculated and shipping calculations are also included. Transactions will not be simple for every country. Certain payment options that D & D accepts will not be available in all countries (i. e. Romania does not have PayPal), so all employees must be aware of situations like this if they were to arise. We will also have to make sure that we are complying with all government export regulations within each country. Using the Volusion software will also help with the language barrier of different countries. The Volusion software will make sure the website is friendly and ready for non-domestic and non-English-speaking visitors. All content on our website will be internationalized to cater to different areas of the globe. We believe that if we can customize our offering, service, and payment types to different areas, the business will enjoy huge success. Web Development & Maintenance Cost The actual development for D & D’s website would be fairly inexpensive compared to the amount of return the website would help generate. Base costs to start the development of the website would begin with the purchase of the domain name (i. e. www. DandDdesigns. com) that would range from $10 – $30. Annual fees to keep the website up and running would range from $100 – $150 in renewal fees. Most sites with under 2000 pages generally do not go over that threshold amount. There are a number of extra features that can be added to the site that could possibly increase the costs for running the webpage such as enabling Java for allowing motion images and small videos on the site (about $4. 5/month) and Restore Services that offer information recovery of any information deleted accidentally by any of the company’s associates (about $1. 50/month). Web hosting sites such as Lunarpages & Hostgator offer all of these great services with no additional maintenance costs. These sites also offer 24/7 server monitoring and customer support so if anything were to go wrong, there is always someone to call on at anytime. This will also remove the expense of hiring a web developer because any and all problems with the site can be fixed by employees at anytime.

Tuesday 22 October 2019

Personal code of ethics

Personal code of ethics Free Online Research Papers Ethics are a personal code of behavior. They represent an ideal we strive toward because we presume that to achieve ethical behavior is both desired and honored. There is both personal and business ethics. I will describe my personal take on ethics along with experiences that I had working for Best Buy and the ethical dilemmas that I faced. My personal thought on ethics is that they require accountability. I think that people that are religious and people that are not religious may have two ways to look at this. If religious accountability of personal ethics is to God. For the people who are irreligious, like myself, we can ensure ethical behavior by the law, fear, or personal convictions. I believe that laws are guidelines that explain the expected behavior. Due to some people not having a â€Å"strong† sense of personal convictions the law is needed. The law to me is a set of ethical expectations that you must understand failure to understand them will result with consequences. For me my personal ethics are the key to living, finding friends and determining my own convictions. Personal ethics in a large way define who you are. The code of ethics that not only follow but feel are important for people I surround myself with are: Fairness Wholeness Reliability Consistency Respect Honesty Integrity Truth Telling Dependability Accountable These ten words describe to me what my personal code of ethics represent. We must have a right and wrong, a moral code. Most religions have a moral code of conduct, and most cultures have a minimum code of conduct also. In the case of society’s code of conduct, its laws, it is usually a-reflection of the moral values of a super majority of its population. Moral codes define our rights and wrongs. The combination, of determining right and wrong and being responsible for our actions, creates the standards for ethical behavior. Ethics are of special importance to professionals including retail managers. Retail employees have a great responsibility to the community with their jobs. People have everyday expectations when they go shopping and retail professionals need to have strong ethics. To understand why Best Buy’s ethics did not always match my personal code of ethics I will explain a few examples. Best Buy’s code of ethics is over fifty pages long so only select examples will be used. Knowing what is right and wrong may not always be simple. Most of the time, knowing the right thing to do is easy. Retail professionals, as I was, are often faced with many ethical decisions every day. Most often the ethically right answer is simple this involves being honest and upright. Knowing what the right thing to do is not always simple the responsibility of those around may not have been enough of a guide to guide you in the right direction. Ethics are very important to all business people. Yet, many neglect ethics as an important idea that has a major affect upon retail managers. Working at Best Buy the ethics that we were taught (also bolded on the fifth page of their ethics guide): UNLEASH THE POWER OF OUR PEOPLE LEARN FROM CHALLENGE AND CHANGE SHOW RESPECT HUMILITY AND INTEGRITY HAVE FUN WHILE BEING THE BEST Before explaining the corruptions in ethics at Best Buy I did want to explain a few things. Best Buy was a great company to work for. I believe that at the corporate level the company was solid in the ethics that they preached. The situations that I was put in was down to the store level when I was an operations manager in Phoenix. Ethics at Best Buy is determined by the supervisors that you have. I have worked for some people that were great with personal and business ethics. When I started work in Phoenix, AZ I worked for my store manager, Phil. The first thing that was done that I felt was beyond unethical is lying and manipulation. When I interviewed for this job via phone it was described as one of the best stores in the district that I was going to be going to. Explained the current financials to me along with the specific financials that I would be responsible for once I arrived. I was offered the job and moved to Phoenix 7 days later. When I went into the store I did what any good manager would do I pulled my financials so that I could â€Å"know† my business before I started coming up with plans for my team. Looking at the business I realized that the financials were no where near what had been explained. He stated that my store was ranked third in the territory. There are fifty-seven stores in our territory. My specific financials had placed me fifty-six out of fifty-seven stores. The ethical dilemma I find with this specific situation is that he lied. Part of there code of conduct is integrity to be a person of integrity you do not lie. In a position that he was in it was not his personal ethics that I am looking at. I am looking at the ethics that Best Buy has put into place and expecting you to follow. That is one dilemma that was really based on lying. I will explain another dilemma that I was forced to face with on multiple occasions. That would be the magazine scam. Have you ever walked into a Best Buy and heard the cashier offer you magazines. â€Å"With your purchase today you get eight risk free issues of one of our magazines which would you like?† This offer was one that we dealt with when I worked in the Green Bay store a lot. How much information was ethically enough and how little information made the practice too unethical? In the end we determined not to offer magazines in Wisconsin because of the ethical problems we were faced with. When I moved to Phoenix as their operations manager they explained how I would have to offer magazines again with my team. I knew that magazines were a problem with my own personal ethics lying, not truthful and not being fair to the customer. I started observing what there presentations to customers were and I could not believe what I saw. There offer was nonexistent but customers were still getting signed up. If a customer would pay with a credit card they would scan for the magazines and have the customers sign twice; once for the purchase and once to accept the magazines. I called around to a couple of the other operations managers and they explained how this was a â€Å"best practice† in the area and it was fine. This may have been a best practice to them but not in my book. I ceased that offer immediately part of my thought process is that if we were already ranked so low there is nothing that we could loose. We would never reach the store with the most traffic to, in my eyes, â€Å"Scam the customer.† I stood my ground and got a lot of pressure from a lot of different people for this matter from store manager to my territory operations manager. In the end I used resources I had gained from my previous work in the midwestern territory to explain my situation and explain why I felt that it was wrong. The ethics team from our corporate office started doing inspections in my area. In the end we still had to offer magazines but the right way. The way that felt good to me with my own personal ethics. In the end ethics shape you, your community and your business. I have a personal code of ethics that I follow. My ethics are very simple and to the point but they work for me. Every person on earth has their own personal ethics there is not one person that is the same. So what are ethics, and what constitutes ethical behavior? That depends, to some degree, on the person answering the question. Organizations also demonstrate the standard of ethics (or lack thereof) held by those shaping the culture of the business. Best Buy had an ethics manual but it is difficult to force all employees to follow one specific manual. The same with people there are many ways that I have shared that I believe community helps with keeping ethics in check. Research Papers on Personal code of ethicsMoral and Ethical Issues in Hiring New EmployeesArguments for Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS)Riordan Manufacturing Production PlanAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaResearch Process Part OneEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andLifes What IfsPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyGenetic Engineering

Monday 21 October 2019

the holocaust and national soc essays

the holocaust and national soc essays Upon examining the excerpts from the works of Christopher Brownings Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the final solution in Poland; and Omer Bartovs Murder in our Midst: the Holocaust, Industrial killing, and Modernity; one develops an understanding of the responsibilities the average German soldier had on the Holocaust. Christopher Browning argues that that the average German soldier did not willingly participate in killing of Jews. Browning believes that Nazi propaganda was the machine that drove Nazism and coerced German civilians into killing the Jews. Bartovs arguments on the Holocaust are more of a theoretical depiction of both the culmination of science and law. He believes the Holocaust and National Socialism were ever-present in the organized states of the industrialized western society. We have developed ambivalence towards war and violence. All that is needed in the modernity of war is two crucial elements: a scientific stamp and legalistic sanction. Christopher Browning states in his book, Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland, that the majority of the German military did not willingly participate in the mass genocide of the Jews. As pointed out by Browning, Even twenty or twenty-five years later those who did quit shooting along the way overwhelmingly cited sheer physical revulsion against what they were doing as the prime motive but did not express any ethical or political principles behind this revulsion. Browning continues to follow course in that the Germans were blindly following orders. Most of the blame should come at those who gave the orders, and not the German military and civilians who executed these heinous crimes. Bartov elects to explain the governing body behind Nazism and its social uprising into the Hitler State. The emergence and implementation of industrial killing was a crucial component in the...

Saturday 19 October 2019

Battle Royal Essays - Social Philosophy, Philosophy Of Life

Battle Royal After I read the story "Battle Royal" by Ralf Ellison, I could not restrain my thoughts about issues of morality and what it has to do with reality, from clashing in to one another in my mind. As these two completely different ideas were pushing me to the brink of madness, my mind began to click. The swirling messy cocktail of two abstract ideas started taking shape as I began remembering what I had learned earlier in school, and from my summer readings. At this point I came to the realization that a persons reality, that is that persons mental reflection of the society and or time in which he or she live in, is consistent with that persons morality or standards of right and wrong. I realize that my concept of a person's reality being consistent with morality is quite confusing. I also except the fact that there are always exceptions to rules. In this case it being that some peoples moralities contradicting their reality. However this realization of mine makes perfect sense to me, an d I will attempt to explain my thoughts to you in hopes that by the time you are finished reading this essay you will understand what I mean. The story "Battle Royal" is the key in understanding and seeing the relationship between morality and reality. The characters in this story, namely the grandfather and his grandson, reveal to us their individuality, principles, morals, and ethics doing so they unfold a map that reveals their mental reality. Because their principals, morals and ethics reveal to us their mental reality, then their mental reality discloses the reality of the society in which they live in. However to clarify my thoughts I will use Book 5 of Plato's "Allegory of the Cave" to elaborate more about reality and morality. And from that I will show you how the grandson breaks away from the reality that he is been taught to see, and steps in to the light that his grandfather guide's him too before he dies. "Battle Royal" is a story about a black boy that is psychologically wakened when he overhears what his grandfather says at his deathbed to his father. This boy, before he realizes who he really is, and his social standing in the society that he lives, is searching to find himself. However this search is filled with many obstacles, because he lives in a time when people of his status are conditioned to act, talk, and behave in a certain way. Our hero's journey toward the light (truth) is started a long time ago. However in the beginning he is unable to get on the right course, due to the wrong advice he is given by different people; he says it as "All my life I was looking for something, and every were that I turned someone tried to tell me what it was. I accepted their answers too, though they were often in contradiction" (448). Because each time that he accepts their advice he is little by little pushed off the right track. It is not until he realizes that he is searching for himself, and instead of asking others questions, he needs to ask the questions to himself. Once he discovers whom to turn to, he begins a long and difficult journey in which he realizes that he is a unique person, he puts it as, "I am nobody but myself."(449). This means that he is unique and he is who he is, black. However before he comes to this enlightenment he discovers that he is an "invisible man"(449). He marks himself invisible because in the society in which a person is unheard and unseen by others is invisible. At that point our young friend's problem is clear. He is a black boy in a White men's world, in which he is not see or heard. Yet he still does not know what to do about it, well at-least not until he hears his grandfathers words to his father: Son, after I'm gone I want you to keep up a good fight. I never told you, but your life is a war and I have been a traitor all my born days, a spy

Friday 18 October 2019

Major Project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Major Project - Research Paper Example As such, these states are referred to as the â€Å"right to work states.† The right to work laws legally ensures that the right of workers to make decisions as to whether to be union members or not, is upheld. The institution of these statutes in the states that have accepted them prohibits institution of agreements made between employers and labor unions, which compel employees to pay union fees or be members of unions, either prior to or after being hired (DelPo & Guerin, 2011). Currently, there are 23 states which are considered right-to-work states and the total would be considered 24 because the territory of Guam has also adopted the laws (Cooper, 2004). State statutes are in a constant flux and there may be new members too as other states such as Indiana contemplate instituting the laws. A large number of states that adopted the right-to-work laws did so in the 1940s and 50s after the legislation of the Taft-Hartley Act of 1947. This act allowed the states to institute the right-to-work laws after the 1935 pro-union Wagner Act was deemed to have given too much power. Currently, 27states as well as the District of Columbia have not yet adopted the rights-to-work laws (Cooper, 2004). The table below shows the legislation timeline for each of the 23 states. Note: It has to be noted that Indiana (1965), New Hampshire, and Delaware (1947) instituted the right-to-work laws in the years within the brackets preceding each state, but they are not included in the table above because they have since then repealed these laws. Prior to the legislation of the Taft-Hartley Act in 1947, which permits states to legislate right-to-work laws, the 1935 Wagner Act allowed unions to have exclusive representation powers. This allowed unions to be the voice of all employees in unionized organizations. Under this legislation the union would be recognized as the official employee’s voice if it could be able to secure 50% of the employees’ votes. For example, if an

Personality type description Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Personality type description - Essay Example make others feel good about themselves, and get disappointed when I feel I am not liked back as much or experience unkindness or indifference from them. My desire to be liked by others is a human need all people share, and does not to mean that my sense of security relies heavily on their approval because I am a very secure person. I believe people are basically good and expect that kindness comes naturally from them too. I am very adaptable and have the ability to adjust to whoever I am with in order to maintain harmony. I know I have a good sense of judging people and can be influential to them, but I do not control them to acquiesce to my way of thinking and relating. This is one thing that my personality does not share with the traditional ESFJ type. Another thing is being organized. ESFJ’s are known to be sticklers for organization and structure. I am not like that. I am a creative, down-to earth spirit who does not want to be stifled by the usual, known and traditional methods as I just want to spread my wings and fly. Being individuals, we have our own personalities which have components we may share with others or not. I believe there is a prevailing need to reach out to others and somehow connect with them in one way or another. In order to do this, we try to adjust some part of our personality to accommodate someone who may be very different from us in order to maintain harmonious interpersonal communication and relationships. For instance, if the personality of A is extroverted and B is introverted, A should be able to use that engaging personality to draw B out of her shell, while keeping it tamer so that B will not be overwhelmed. On the other hand, B will just have to reach out a little more just so she gets to connect with A as a compromise. My husband’s personality type is ENTJ. Unlike me, he is very organized and finds comfort in structure. He can be very focused on some things, like his career that he has the tendency to tune other

The Reluctant Workers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Reluctant Workers - Essay Example Aston is then forced to schedule morning meetings. Secondly, Aston seems not to come up with a method to make sure his employees to communicate with him (Morris, 2012). At most times, the employees presume that they are conversant with everything and are not interested in the job at all. This may also recount to the fact that a great proportion of them are aged, and are not weary of the fact that Aston will be their boss for the longest time ever (Morris, 2012). Thirdly, the employees have no interest in their job. Morris (2012) give an example of when Aston had scheduled a test, and the customer’s top management had planned flying out for 1st hand observations, but two people had already made arrangements for their vacation, another had planned to go out fishing, and another had planned to spend time with the orphans (Morris, 2012). This is to mean that the employees were more interested with what ensued outside the office premises as contrasted to their work. Aston complains that none of the employees planned for the test, all because of social responsibilities and other interests (Morris, 2012). As the project manager, Aston has shown tremendous interest and passion to his job. Were it not the uncooperative team members, Aston would by now be the best driver for his project. In relation to the core skills mentioned above, Aston is clearly motivated in his job, and is willing to do anything to see to it that the employees work closely with him son as attain the goals of the project. He complains that he has never seen such non-commitment by employees like he does, explaining why he consults Phil Davies, the project director (Morris, 2012). In terms of communication, Aston is fast to communicate with his senior in relation to the project issues. As drawn by Morris (2012), the entire project entails a detailed discussion between Aston and

Thursday 17 October 2019

Wells Fargo & Company Bank Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Wells Fargo & Company Bank - Term Paper Example Wells Fargo & Company is â€Å"a diversified financial services company providing banking, insurance, investments, mortgage, and consumer and commercial finance through more than 9,000 stores and 12,000 ATMs and the Internet across North America and internationally. It is headquartered in San Francisco but has been decentralized so that every all our customers’ financial needs are satisfied. It has $1.3 trillion in assets and approximately 280,000 team members across our 80 plus businesses; ranked fourth in assets and second in market value of our stock among our U.S. peers as of December 31, 2010† (wellsfargo.com).Wells Fargo & Company is â€Å"a diversified financial services company providing banking, insurance, investments, mortgage, and consumer and commercial finance through more than 9,000 stores and 12,000 ATMs and the Internet across North America and internationally. It is headquartered in San Francisco but has been decentralized so that every all our custome rs’ financial needs are satisfied. It has $1.3 trillion in assets and approximately 280,000 team members across our 80 plus businesses; ranked fourth in assets and second in market value of our stock among our U.S. peers as of December 31, 2010† (wellsfargo.com). Wells Fargo has a good financial background and reputation over the years by exhibiting stability and permanence.In fact, in 2010, â€Å"Fortune has ranked Wells Fargo in 19th place in Revenue Among All Companies in All Industries and the World’s 39th Most Admired Company.... The first banking and express office opened in the gold rush port of San Francisco, and Wells Fargo’s trustworthy agents soon moved into other mining camps and settlements† (wellfargo.com). â€Å"Wells Fargo agents provided essential banking services, reliable transportation of gold and goods, and dependable mail delivery across the frontier. They purchased gold dust, took deposits and offered convenient and safe transport of money over long distances. Merchants used Wells Fargo checks to send payments to suppliers, while miners and business owners especially liked reliable mail delivery by Wells Fargo’s letter express. Wells Fargo sent gold, mail and express shipments by the fastest means possible stagecoach, steamship, railroad or Pony Express. According to one newspaper editor, â€Å"it has been the universal business agent of the entire region from the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific Ocean.† Its trademark is a stagecoach pulled by a six-horse team was t he symbol of frontier commerce. In 1858, Wells Fargo helped finance and operate the nation’s first regularly scheduled long-distance stage line. Stagecoaches of the Overland Mail Company, known as the Butterfield line, after company president John Butterfield, carried mail and passengers on a three-week journey between Missouri and California, by way of Texas and the Southwest† (wellsfargo.com) Wells Fargo-Wachovia Merger In order to infuse more capital to intensify its service to existing and future customers, Wells Fargo entered into a Merger Agreement with Wachovia. â€Å"The integration of Wells Fargo is the largest, most complex banking merger in U.S. history. This merger ensures added earnings and capital growth for the

How Italian Food Defines You, Your Family, and Your Ethnicity Essay

How Italian Food Defines You, Your Family, and Your Ethnicity - Essay Example A side dish of salad or vegetables rounds out the meal. After a beverage, predominantly wine, a decadent dessert is also consumed. And always, conversation and laughter dominates the family table. Many Italian-Americans still keep the Vatican custom of seven fishes served on New Year's Eve, including squid, eels, and conch. The traditional meal on Easter is lamb. Of course, all meals are accompanied with a pasta side dish. Since gorgonzola, mozzarella, and parmesan cheeses were first made by Italians, these dairy products are incorporated into just about all Italian fare. To discuss Italian culture and food, we have to include the topic of the all-American pizza. USA pizza is different from Italian pizza in that pizza served in Italy has less cheese, and the crust is thin as paper. The New York Times published an article stating that it is as important how we eat opposed to what we eat. That could be a lesson in cooking. When Italians dine, they take their time eating. They have a relationship with food. Mealtimes with the family are almost sacred. Conversation at the table strengthens the bond of family. Italians also lead active lives. Cars are not allowed in many Italian town centers. Therefore, walking is necessary. Most residents are walkups without elevators. Most importantly, portion sizes are much smaller in Italy.

Wednesday 16 October 2019

The Reluctant Workers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Reluctant Workers - Essay Example Aston is then forced to schedule morning meetings. Secondly, Aston seems not to come up with a method to make sure his employees to communicate with him (Morris, 2012). At most times, the employees presume that they are conversant with everything and are not interested in the job at all. This may also recount to the fact that a great proportion of them are aged, and are not weary of the fact that Aston will be their boss for the longest time ever (Morris, 2012). Thirdly, the employees have no interest in their job. Morris (2012) give an example of when Aston had scheduled a test, and the customer’s top management had planned flying out for 1st hand observations, but two people had already made arrangements for their vacation, another had planned to go out fishing, and another had planned to spend time with the orphans (Morris, 2012). This is to mean that the employees were more interested with what ensued outside the office premises as contrasted to their work. Aston complains that none of the employees planned for the test, all because of social responsibilities and other interests (Morris, 2012). As the project manager, Aston has shown tremendous interest and passion to his job. Were it not the uncooperative team members, Aston would by now be the best driver for his project. In relation to the core skills mentioned above, Aston is clearly motivated in his job, and is willing to do anything to see to it that the employees work closely with him son as attain the goals of the project. He complains that he has never seen such non-commitment by employees like he does, explaining why he consults Phil Davies, the project director (Morris, 2012). In terms of communication, Aston is fast to communicate with his senior in relation to the project issues. As drawn by Morris (2012), the entire project entails a detailed discussion between Aston and

How Italian Food Defines You, Your Family, and Your Ethnicity Essay

How Italian Food Defines You, Your Family, and Your Ethnicity - Essay Example A side dish of salad or vegetables rounds out the meal. After a beverage, predominantly wine, a decadent dessert is also consumed. And always, conversation and laughter dominates the family table. Many Italian-Americans still keep the Vatican custom of seven fishes served on New Year's Eve, including squid, eels, and conch. The traditional meal on Easter is lamb. Of course, all meals are accompanied with a pasta side dish. Since gorgonzola, mozzarella, and parmesan cheeses were first made by Italians, these dairy products are incorporated into just about all Italian fare. To discuss Italian culture and food, we have to include the topic of the all-American pizza. USA pizza is different from Italian pizza in that pizza served in Italy has less cheese, and the crust is thin as paper. The New York Times published an article stating that it is as important how we eat opposed to what we eat. That could be a lesson in cooking. When Italians dine, they take their time eating. They have a relationship with food. Mealtimes with the family are almost sacred. Conversation at the table strengthens the bond of family. Italians also lead active lives. Cars are not allowed in many Italian town centers. Therefore, walking is necessary. Most residents are walkups without elevators. Most importantly, portion sizes are much smaller in Italy.

Tuesday 15 October 2019

Sophies World Outline Essay Example for Free

Sophies World Outline Essay The idea that nothing can come from nothing is introduced. Sophie questions whether all things come from a basic element. She learned that things in nature are in a constant state of transformation. Is there a beginning of everything? What do you believe it to be?introduction: The idea that nothing can come from nothing is introduced. Sophie questions whether all things come from a basic element. She learned that things in nature are in a constant state of transformation. Is there a beginning of everything? What do you believe it to be? Yanotan Zelink I. event one A. Sophie receives a letter containing three new questions. Which she contemplates an entire day before getting another packet with a letter explaining to her that the philosophy course will be going from ancient Greek philosophy up to present day philosophy. B. She learns that the ancient Greeks believed the world was eternal. â€Å"The earliest Greek Philosophers are sometimes called natural philosophers because they were mainly concerned with the natural world and its processes† (30). So, they never asked about where it came from. Instead they were interested in the question of change. C. The Tao of Physics. II.event two A. The debate â€Å"what are we made of?† is raised. Early philosophers shared a belief that there had to be a certain basic substance at the root of all change. B. While some natural philosophers believed that everything was made of water, others believed they were made of air. â€Å"Earth, air, and fire were all necessary the creation of life† (33). C. Human-Aesthetic Perfection Song Lyrics. III.event three A. All Things Flow- â€Å"Everything is in constant flux and movement, nothing is abiding. Therefore we ‘cannot step twice into the river.’†(34)- Heraclitus B. Heraclitus states the world is made of opposites- we would not appreciate one thing if we did not experience the other. C. A Healthy Transformation by Dr. Jeffery McCombs. IV.conclusion A. As Sophie thinks about all of this, she concludes that one cannot learn philosophy. They can only learn how to think like a philosopher. V.journal questions A. If you were to come up with your own philosophy about life and what we’re made of, what would it be? Explain your philosophy. B. Other than physical aspects of a human, such as bones or basic elements, what would you say humans are made of emotionally or philosophically? Why? C. If there was only good in the world and no bad, how would it be and how would the outcome affect the world?

Monday 14 October 2019

Internet Freedom of Speech and Censorship

Internet Freedom of Speech and Censorship The United States, a bastion of democracy to the world, has long recognized the importance of freedom of expression to safeguard democracy and grow as a nation. It is a right enshrined in the very first provision of the United States Constitution. The First Amendment of the United States Constitution, adopted in 1791, provides that Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Although freedom of speech enjoys heightened protection from the government, this protection is not really absolute. The Supreme Court imposes some very narrow restrictions which are deemed not fully protected under the First Amendment. These include advocacy of imminent illegal conduct, defamation, obscenity, and fraudulent misrepresentation. In any of these categories, the speech should be suppressed because of its harmful content (Wang, page 1). Freedom of speech is equally a dangerous right because with it goes the freedom to deviate against established rules and norms or to go against the status quo and advocate change. As such, all over the world, it is also the most threatened right. Many in the United States today, that include several citizens groups with specific advocacies, are pushing for censorship of the freedom of speech which interestingly finds expression in many varied forms. The internet is one arena that has lately been the target of these efforts as it provides practically everyone with the ability to communicate their ideas to wide audiences and conveniently escapes the ability of the state to control it. The internet, composed of millions of computers and telephone lines that are inter-connected and networked, have scant rules regarding what can be said and done with no one tasked to supervise the users as well no certain authority that controls it Time and again, court cases have ruled against censorship but many still continue to fight to limit the freedom of expression. Government, for one, regularly undertakes efforts to regulate, restrict, or even prohibit a great many types of speech, often with popular support from the public. One reason for censorship of speech that is gaining strong following among the citizenry is the widespread proliferation and publication of extremely offensive materials that glorify violence and pornography. In his essay â€Å"Censorship Can Be Beneficial,† Thomas Stork says, â€Å"Now if we can identify certain evils and if advocacy of those evils seems likely to encourage people to commit them, then why should we not take the next and logical step and prohibit such advocacy†¦ Must the authorities be helpless to restrain the source of the evil?† (As cited in Planet Papers, page 1). The general American public certainly wants not only to be protected from violence, but they also want to keep material out of the hands of those who are unable to handle the ideas and themes presented in such material. For instance, it can not be argued that small children do not have the maturity to view pornographic material or be exposed to extreme violence on television and that exposing them to such kind of â€Å"entertainment† is detrimental to their development. Many believe that pornography is equally harmful to adults. The issue of censorship versus free speech has been, since time immemorial, a hotly contested subject.  With the dawn of the electronic age, the birth and progress of the internet and the increasing use of electronic media for the dissemination of information, new questions over First Amendment rights are being raised.  A lot of issues and concerns have been raised that borders around Web access to pornographic materials by minors, gambling on the Internet and the posting of abusive content on newsgroups. Web sites have been created promoting censorship in the Internet like â€Å"Filtering Facts†, an online source for information on making Internet access in libraries safe for children and communities and â€Å"Enough is Enough† which aims to protect children and families from illegal pornography on the Internet. Filtering, rests on the premise that technology can solve the problem technology created. Filters block out Web sites with offensive content, usually based on keywords or lists complied by the filter developer. Filter supporters say the technology is ideal because it empowers parents and blocks out speech without silencing the speaker. In February 1996, Congress moved to pass a law, the Communications Decency Act (CDA) which prohibited the posting of indecent or patently offensive materials in a public forum on the Internet including web pages, newsgroups, chat rooms, or online discussion lists. The Children’s Online Protection Act, tried to ban material harmful to minors and In 2000, the U.S. Congress passed the Childrens Internet Protection Act (CIPA) which requires schools and public libraries receiving federal funding to install internet filters or blocking software. Another way of making Internet communications more secure is encryption, which is a technique for encoding messages, making the person who has the encryption key the only one who can read the message. These programs have been available for years, but law enforcement officials were concerned that criminals and terrorists will use the programs to send messages they cant break. Under heavy pressure from the technology industry, and after a 1999 appeals court ruling that said creating encryption programs is a form of free speech, the federal government essentially gave up trying to control encryption technology. In the wake of Sept. 11, the debate over encryption has been reopened, and Congress has made it easier for authorities to use electronic surveillance. Forums and Chatrooms frequently have moderators, who will edit or remove material against the rules of that community. The scope of these rules varies from community to community some will want material to be suitable for a specif ic audience, whilst others only require discussions to be kept within the law. In a landmark decision on June 26, 1997, the Supreme Court ruled that the Internet is a unique medium entitled to the highest protection under the free speech protections of the First Amendment giving it the same free speech protection as print. It was a victory for the Citizens Internet Empowerment Coalition (CIEC), a broad coalition of library and civil liberties groups, online service providers, newspaper, book, magazine and recording industry associations, and over 56,000 individual Internet users which represents the entire breadth of the Internet community. The CIEC was assembled in February 1996 to challenge the CDA on the grounds that the Internet is a unique communications medium, different from traditional broadcast mass media which deserves broad First Amendment protections. Rejoicing with the CIEC in their victory are the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT) which has been promoting the future of the First Amendment and free expression in the Information age and the Electronic Frontier Foundation which protects rights and freedom in the electronic environment. Clamor for censorship of the freedom of speech, whether in broadcast or print media, in television or motion picture, in culture or arts, or in the electronic medium of the Web or the Net, are mostly based on moral and ethical considerations which can be highly subjective depending on the individual’s beliefs, culture, principles, and many other factors. However, if we are to read and understand every word in the First Amendment, there was no mention of any restriction whatsoever; the emphasis rather was on providing equal rights to everyone. If this is so, neither the government nor individuals have the constitutional right to censor the other on the basis that his or her statements may be hateful or prejudicial because the law guarantees the right to express one’s thoughts vocally or in writing without fear of retaliation. What one may say need not be popular or correct. I really do not think that censorship is a solution to the atmosphere of violence, obscenity and other social concerns pervading American society today. Censorship may even be harmful as it gives a temporary feeling of false security. Freedom of speech is just among the many rights guaranteed under the Constitution. The risk, however, is allowing our other rights to be diminished in the end. This is in contravention to the fundamentals of democracy and right to dignity which have been specifically enshrined in our Constitution for us to exercise our liberty and live without fear and prejudice. Today, millions of people are combating internet censorship through writing Blogs as well as by forming organizations that raise the people’s awareness regarding Internet censorship. An example would be the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) which opposes Internet censorship and as such, has filled several lawsuits against censorship laws. In 2007, the Childrens Online Protection Act (COPA) which made information that can be harmful to minors illegal even if the same information is necessary to adults, was brought to the federal court by the UCLA saying that it was unconstitutional. The development of a new medium always creates new anxieties. Gutenbergs press prompted two centuries of debate over whether the spread of books would corrupt society. Privacy and free speech are already among the nations most difficult social issues; and it would be startling if the Internet did not raise new concerns about both of them. Even the Internet itself is only the beginning. The electronic age is creating an entirely new medium, one that combines the interactive Internet with older media like TV, radio, print, mail, and the telephone. he questions of how to balance personal privacy and public safety have become all the more urgent since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. The â€Å"war on terrorism† evolves daily, even as the technology continues to evolve. The publics opinions about this medium are in flux and their views on free speech and privacy were far from settled to begin with. A Planet of Publishers Press critic A.J. Liebling once said that freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one. Thanks to the Internet, millions of individuals now have the power that formerly only belonged to the owners of printing presses and broadcast licenses the power to spread their views, whether profound or profane, to a worldwide audience. That has prompted a remarkable burst of creativity, but it has also provided hate groups and pornographers with a low-cost way of spreading their messages to anyone, including children, with a personal computer. So far, the U.S. government has supported two approaches to dealing with offensive content: regulation and filtering. Two major attempts at regulation have been struck down by the courts, either in whole or in part. The first, the Communications Decency Act of 1996, would have made publishing indecent or patently offensive material on the Internet a federal offense. The U.S. Supreme Court, in ACLU vs. Reno, came down firmly on the side of granting the highest free-speech protection to the Internet and struck down the indecency portions of the law. A second law, the Children’s Online Protection Act, tried to ban material harmful to minors. The Supreme Court sent the law back to a lower court for further review in May 2002, effectively blocking enforcement for the time being. The other tactic, filtering, rests on the premise that technology can solve the problem technology created. Filters block out Web sites with offensive content, usually based on keywords or lists complied by the filter developer. Filter supporters say the technology is ideal because it empowers parents and blocks out speech without silencing the speaker. Critics say filters are a crude tool at best because they depend on keywords that could crop up on perfectly legitimate sites devoted to breast cancer, AIDS prevention, or the novel Moby Dick. A third federal law would have required all public libraries to use filters, but a federal court threw out the law in 2002, saying filters would block porn and protected speech alike. Your Personal Fish Bowl The Internet itself may seem anonymous, but it is far from private. E-mail can be easily intercepted by anyone with enough technical skill, and Web sites can track substantial information about users, either by voluntary registration or involuntarily through the use of cookies files quietly stored on a visitors computer that will identify them to the Web site on their next visit. One way of making Internet communications more secure is encryption, the technique for coding messages so they can only be read by someone who has the encryption key. Encryption programs have been available for years, and businesses contend that strong encryption is critical to keeping online commerce secure. But even before Sept. 11, law enforcement officials were concerned that criminals and terrorists will use the programs to send messages they cant break. Under heavy pressure from the technology industry, and after a 1999 appeals court ruling that said creating encryption programs is a form of free speech, the federal government essentially gave up trying to control encryption technology. In the wake of Sept. 11, the debate over encryption has been reopened, and Congress has already made it easier for authorities to use electronic surveillance. But the ability of Web sites and hackers to collect information pales next to the newfound power technology gives to governments and marketers. Data warehouses are able to mix information from different sources to create a single, detailed profile of an individual, including vital statistics, how much they earn, what they buy, the state of their health, their interests, what they read, and more. And all of that information is for sale to direct marketers, current and potential employers, or just anybody willing to pay for it. Already, as part of the war on terrorism, the federal government and financial services companies are discussing how to use their databases to flag suspicious activity. Current privacy laws are rarely enforced and would offer spotty protection even if they were. The Supreme Court has upheld a federal law barring states from selling information they collect, such as voter registrations and motor vehicle records, to direct marketers. References: Communications Decency Act. Center for Democracy Technology. 2008. 2 May 2008 . â€Å"Speak Your Mind: The Censorship Controversy in American Culture. Planet Papers. 2006. 1 May 2008 http://www.planetpapers.com/Assets/5616.php â€Å"Supreme Court Rules CDA Unconstitutional.† Citizens Internet Empowerment Coalition. 2008. 2 May 2008 . Wang, Xinyi. Freedom of Speech in the United States Constitution. Perspectives. 30 Apr 2001. 2 May 2008 .

Sunday 13 October 2019

Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts Essay -- Organization

Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts Businesses today often promote change to create a better more productive work environment. These changes occasionally produce unwanted results which were not expected or planned for. By monitoring organizational behavior unwanted or negative results can be minimized so change can be effective within an organization. Organizational behavior, organizational culture, diversity, communication, business ethics, and change management are all factors within an organization. Managers should clearly define these terms to create a more efficient and effective work environment. â€Å"Your Company† ensures growth and success by establishing strict guidelines and procedures which include these factors of organizational behavior. Organizational behavior is the study of individuals and groups in organizations (Schermerhorn, Hunt, & Osborn, 2008, p. 5). By monitoring organizational behavior on a constant basis the managers in an organization can implement changes as needed to improve the performance of the organization and the individual employees. At â€Å"Your Company†, understanding the organizational behavior helps managers implement new technologies and ideas. This is done by observing the changes which must be made in order to achieve a more productive and successful organization. One of the most observable aspects of the OB is the attitude of the employees at â€Å"Your Company†. From the moment a person walks in the door they can feel the sense of pride and motivation that each employee has to do the best they can. This enables the employees to work efficiently as a team and be as productive as possible. Organizational culture is a shared set of beliefs and values within an organization ... ...ans are able to work efficiently and effectively by paying attention to detail and following the guidelines and procedures standardized by management. Good communication facilitates a pleasant environment to work in as well as employee appreciation incentives such as the technician bonus program and quarterly picnics to thank the employees for their hard work. By maintaining strict interviewing and hiring practices managers are able to enlist the skills of talented individuals who work well as a team or individually. This ensures employee independence as well as facilitates team building and a sense of pride in the work they perform. References Schermerhorn, J.R., Hunt, J.G., & Osborn, R.N. (2008). Organizational Behavior (10th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. â€Å"Your Company† (2008). Retrieved November 8, 2008, from: http://www.†Your Company†inc.com Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts Essay -- Organization Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts Businesses today often promote change to create a better more productive work environment. These changes occasionally produce unwanted results which were not expected or planned for. By monitoring organizational behavior unwanted or negative results can be minimized so change can be effective within an organization. Organizational behavior, organizational culture, diversity, communication, business ethics, and change management are all factors within an organization. Managers should clearly define these terms to create a more efficient and effective work environment. â€Å"Your Company† ensures growth and success by establishing strict guidelines and procedures which include these factors of organizational behavior. Organizational behavior is the study of individuals and groups in organizations (Schermerhorn, Hunt, & Osborn, 2008, p. 5). By monitoring organizational behavior on a constant basis the managers in an organization can implement changes as needed to improve the performance of the organization and the individual employees. At â€Å"Your Company†, understanding the organizational behavior helps managers implement new technologies and ideas. This is done by observing the changes which must be made in order to achieve a more productive and successful organization. One of the most observable aspects of the OB is the attitude of the employees at â€Å"Your Company†. From the moment a person walks in the door they can feel the sense of pride and motivation that each employee has to do the best they can. This enables the employees to work efficiently as a team and be as productive as possible. Organizational culture is a shared set of beliefs and values within an organization ... ...ans are able to work efficiently and effectively by paying attention to detail and following the guidelines and procedures standardized by management. Good communication facilitates a pleasant environment to work in as well as employee appreciation incentives such as the technician bonus program and quarterly picnics to thank the employees for their hard work. By maintaining strict interviewing and hiring practices managers are able to enlist the skills of talented individuals who work well as a team or individually. This ensures employee independence as well as facilitates team building and a sense of pride in the work they perform. References Schermerhorn, J.R., Hunt, J.G., & Osborn, R.N. (2008). Organizational Behavior (10th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. â€Å"Your Company† (2008). Retrieved November 8, 2008, from: http://www.†Your Company†inc.com

Saturday 12 October 2019

Airline Industry Essay -- Transportation, Commercial Aviation

One of the world’s most competitive and prominent industries is the airlines industry. It generates huge amounts of income as well as employment each year. Some of the common names in US air travel service providers are Alaska, Northwest, Southwest, US airways, American etc. According to the latest statistics given by the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the airline sector will post a profit of $9 billion in 2011. After the recent credit crunch, economies are now coming back to normal, business travel is increasing and investments in the airlines are now rising. Political/Legal influences Privatization Over the years airlines have undergone large-scale privatization; previously a significant portion of airlines industry was government-owned. Privatizing the industry has led to drastic increase in the number of air service providers and the airline travellers. Legal provision Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) was established to control the activities of the commercial Airline industry; it used to set the rates and even the mergers in the industry till the first forty years after its establishment. Then Airline Deregulation Act 1978 was adopted to make the industry more efficient and privately owned. This act removed the powers of CAB, subsequently CAB was wound up in 1984. This act still gives the authority of regulating air safety to government through Federal Aviation Administration. All airlines need to have 2 certificates: 1. Fitness certificate (issued by Department Of Transportation): To ensure the airline is financially and management-wise strong enough to carry on the services adequately. 2. Operating certificate (issued by Federal Aviation Administration): To ensure that the airline maintains it cre... ...er before. Manufacturers of large aircrafts are conducting large scale outsourcing of key components especially from japanese manufacturers. Better communication Over the years, airlines have introduced new ways of adding value to the firm, for instance online reservation system and forwarding information to the system have opened new avenues to reach customers. (Lars Perner, 2007). Improvements in air-traffic management are also being implemented to ensure flight safety and cordination among aircrafts and various aviation companies (Capoccitti, Khare, & Mildenberger, 2010 ). The role of research in military technology has contributed a lot to the commercial jets (Collopy, 2004). The commercial airline industry has gone way ahead than the military aircraft industry, due to its public outreach. However the technology in military aircrafts is still way ahead.

Friday 11 October 2019

Ministry of Manpower, Singapore

Brief Description of Ministry of Manpower EE4041 E-learning week assignment by LIU TIANCHI Group Y15 As one of the Tripartite Partners in Singapore, Ministry of Manpower (MOM) plays the government role and aspires to develop a great workplace together with the other two partners, the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) and the Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF) which represent the employees and employers separately.The mission of MOM is to achieve a globally competitive workforce and great workplace, for a cohesive society and a secure economic future for all Singaporeans. To break it down into two parts: MOM aims to empower Singaporeans so that they can realize their potential; MOM also deals with and regulates the workplace so as to achieve a cohesive society. In order to achieve the mission, MOM is structured with divisions and statutory boards, both of which have certain specific responsibility.For example, Labor Relations and Workplaces Division (LRWD) plays a cruc ial role in dispute settlement. Most of the time, the parties, unions and companies, can settle disputes between themselves, as they know the issues well and would be in a good position to find solutions. If this fails, then conciliation by LRWD would kick in at the request of either party. LRWD or MOM receive and settle an average of about 300 disputes from the unionized sector for conciliation every year. This is an important pillar in maintaining industrial stability in Singapore.One example of the statutory board is Central Provident Fund (CPF) Board, which administers the CPF well known as a compulsory and comprehensive social security savings plan. Besides the regulation and administration responsibilities, MOM also provides services. For example The Work Pass Division facilitates the employment of foreign nationals in Singapore with a convenient application process. The foreign employees can find all information that they need to know before coming to work in Singapore from M OM website.Most of the application processes also take place online, which is very efficient. MOM has won many awards because of its great contribution to the healthy tripartite relationship, which is the envy of many countries. It’s worth mentioning that MOM once won United Nations Public Service Awards, which is the most prestigious international recognition of excellence in public service. As can be seen, MOM has its unique and important role in maintaining the healthy and striving workplace in Singapore.